Based on everyone's feedback, I've been making some updates to the bluebird. So far I've expanded the sweep of the wings slightly, added more feather detailing along the wings and tail, brightened the colors, and did some very minor adjustments to the breast and overall body shape. I think the tweaks have really helped this feel more like a bird. It's less blocky and heavy now.
I've also made some changes to the K80. The K side felt a little too heavy, so I tried switching the stripes to the opposite side. I think this has made it feel more balanced. Like the bluebird, I also changed the colors to be a bit brighter. The text is also ever so slightly bolder now as well. I think the end result feels more cohesive and professional.
I don't know... maybe I have first impression bias, but I like the first ones ever so slightly better. But I do like the wings on the second bird better, they turned out very nice.
ReplyDeleteCan't tell you how much I love these logos. Your improvements did wonders. I'd still be interested to see what it would look like if you left the space inside the 80 blue like on the left instead of letting the magenta run through it, although it might just hinder it. Either way, color choice is perfect.