Sunday, September 1, 2013

Survival of the Oldest.

I made it through the first week of school! I never realized just how worn out I'd get simply walking from the parking deck to class. Ugh, I am so out of shape. Anyway, my classes are fantastic. I can tell from the course load and project lists that I am going to be challenged, and I'm pretty excited about it. That means no time for slacking off! I'm going to have to work hard, and I think that's going to help break some of my bad (lazy) habits.

I am keeping a daily sketch log now, something I have been meaning to do for ages but kept putting off. It feels good to be drawing regularly again. I'd forgotten how much I missed it. I also created my first ever 'mood board' for my graphic design class. I'd vaguely heard about them before, and was curious to try my hand at one. Sadly I think my attempt fell a bit flat. I tried to make it out of materials I had at hand (rather than digitally). I couldn't do half of the things I wanted to, and my supplies were pretty limited. But I still tried to convey a feeling of who I am: cartoony imagery, various shades of blue, etc. I might try to make a digital version to redeem myself. I won't get any class credit for it, but I feel like I have to make up for my hand-made one. 

Right now I'm working on 30 mock-up logos for class. Some of them I'm really happy with, and I'm excited to start getting feedback on them. I'll be posting a few of my faves here soon!

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